| The Invitation | An Invitation, a flight to England and a drive to Spain |
 | Second Time Lucky | Let's try again shall we? This time all the way to the Sahara |
 | More Desert anyone? | More Desert anyone? Even more of the Sahara and an introduction to commerce and corruption African style |
 | Nigeria | Nigeria, some animals and the start of the 'riot belt' |
 | Africa in unrest | Signs of unrest, some Americans and an introduction to Bureaucracy African style |
 | Out of the Frying Pan... | We leave Cameroun recovering from civil unrest. We enter the Central African Republic as rioting starts in Bangui - our next destination. |
 | Narrow Escapes | We narrowly escape several disasters, eat enough mangoes for a lifetime and, finally, reach Zaire |
 | Don't pay the Ferryman... | There are some 'interesting' bridges, ferries and other road hazards in the heart of Africa |
 | Mud, Mud, I love Mud | Mud, mud, I love mud, I'm absolutely positively wild about mud |
 | The Bush Mechanics | More mud, bush mechanics, the truck becomes troop carrier and a tempting glimpse of tar seal ahead |
 | A Truck With Arthritis | The truck gets arthritis and we enjoy good food and hospitality |
 | Close Encounters of the Animal Kind | Bird watching, into the rift valley with no brakes, some close encounters with wild animals, some of which bite, Fiona wanted hippos and got hippos and Kilimanjaro really does have snow on the top |
 | In The Cradle of Humankind | A slight detour, some more close encounters with large carnivorous animals in the Ngorogoro crater and Derek communes with our Ancestors at Olduvai |
 | From subversives to Ambulance Driver | We smuggle subversive literature, meet some other New Zealanders and go out drinking, have fun in the sand with vehicles and learn some lessons about third world medical care and ambulance driving |
 | A Real Bed in a Real Room | We leave for Zambia in convoy and with a passenger, some more encounters with animals, this time further away, and a night in a real bed |
 | Elephants Galore | Victoria Falls, some more close encounters of the animal kind, elephants galore and we cross the great grey green greasy Limpopo into South Africa |
 | Three Months In Johannesburg | Temporarily back in civilisation |
 | Now We Are Three | On the road again, Just you and I - and June, through Zimbabwe and some animals, Botswana and more animals, some with only two legs, and a possible fortune is turned down |
 | In the Desert Again | Namibia, a special blend of German and African architecture, mountains, desert, more desert, the magnificent oryx, the worlds strangest pine tree, the worlds highest sand dunes and the worlds second largest canyon |
 | There and Back Again | South Africa again, Tea, Wine and Watersports, tents allowed in campsites yes, yes, no, no, no, yes, no, but they are allowed in caravan sites, many things which are smaller than expected and a hole which is really big, crocodiles, ostrich, whales and dolphins, beaches and hot pools, we only just get into Swaziland and finally a leaving party |