
Web site design and development, production, promotion and maintenance has been our business since1995.

Our goal is to ensure that clients receive maximum benefit from their web sites. We work closely with our clients to realise their objectives through the design and structure of their site. We advise on the technical, practical, marketing and strategic issues which will make their site successful. We provide Content Management System modules designed for their needs, and complete site maintenance service if that is desired.

Our customised B2B, B2C and e-commerce solutions are built around open-source software - MySQL and PHP supported by Perl.

@URL provides

  • complete web site design, development, production, promotion and maintenance, including:
    • needs analysis
    • domain registration
    • hosting establishment
    • site design and information architecture
    • graphic design and asset creation, optimisation of photographic images, GIF and JavaScript animation, Flash animation
    • web database development and integration
    • CMS (content management system) integration
    • enewsletters to keep your contacts informaed about what you're doing, and to assist with inbound marketing (to get people onto your web site)
    • social media pages - Facebook, Twitter, You Tube etc
    • adding video clips, podcasts or audio clips
    • real-time payment gateway integration
    • search engine optimisation and advice
    • ongoing site maintenance and technical support
    • site audit and redevelopment.

  • negotiated project establishment packages, by-the-minute charging on a per hour basis for ongoing development, maintenance, enewsletter services, SEO updating, and requested tasks; a monthly maintenance package is available.

  • E-business and e-commerce sites with back-end database and systems integration, secure shopping, shopping cart integration and real-time credit card processing.

  • Customised web systems development, including:
    • database integration;
    • content management and updating systems that facilitate easy updating of time sensitive and other critical information by the site owner, without requiring specialised knowledge, costly software or reliance on a webmaster;
    • enewsletters
    • online catalogues and directories
    • online galleries.

  • Consulting related to:
    • domain name registration
    • selection of ISP and hosting solutions;
    • site marketing and promotion
    • inbound marketing and social media promotion
    • e-commerce solutions;
    • email marketing solutions;
    • accessibility and usability;
    • current trends.

  • Site and code reviews [web site warrant of fitness]

  • Site audit and redevelopment

  • Online research

  • Education and training to extend internet skills and awareness and help with social media activities
New Zealand Time @ 13:01 27 Jul 2024
Copyright © @URL 1995-2024. All rights reserved. Last Updated: 09 Apr 2015