@URL maintains the following web resource collections to assist people who need to readily locate New Zealand information. All collections have been regularly maintained since August 1995 on a no-charge basis.
New Zealand Arts on the Web
The arts have always played a significant role in New Zealand life and this collection provides comprehensive links to New Zealand arts web sites
- New Zealand dance groups and dance organisations
- New Zealand theatre companies and organisations
- NZ Music Groups
- Music Organisations and Services
- Performing Arts Venues and Listings
- Performing Arts Commentary and Reviews
- Visual Artists
- Visual Arts Organisations and Services
- Film and Screen
- Photography
- Craft Artists
- Craft Organisations and Services
- Maori Arts
- Literary Arts
- Festivals
- Others
Mt Ruapehu Eruption Resources
Though we have reported on Mt Ruapehu's current eruption cycle since mid-1996 (in the form of a blog), we have now archived our reports offline, along with historical and geological information, and links to volcano resources sites), pending future activity.